A interactive app that will entertain your toddler and officially make you the coolest parent on the block.
for video games
Toy Story Mania
The most fun you’ve ever had popping balloons, smashing plates & tossing rings around aliens.
It is so much fun you don’t care that you look like an idiot.
Gran Turismo 5. The granddaddy of the driving simulator doesn’t disappoint.
Mushroom Lamp
A learning game system that works. Great educational software and none of the bore.
Innovative gaming system for a good price. They even have it in stock (for now.)
Joystick Onesie
Tetris Bookshelves
You already know how to stack these cool bookshelves.
Mine would have a space on the bottom row that I just can’t get rid of.
Crazy Machines
Build your own virtual Rube Goldberg devices. Young kids might need adult help for this fun computer game.
Zoo Tycoon
The Orange Box