Neato Stuff

for cost


Feb 14 11
for $20 to $50,kid

Water rings look so tacky. Bring some life back to your coffee table.

Feb 11 11
for $20 to $50,handmade,him

DIY baby bib. Everyone loves a handmade baby item. You can be the Belle of the next baby shower.

Feb 11 11
for baby,less than $20

A great idea for any teacher or organizational fanatic.

Skip the plastic and save the Earth.

Feb 10 11
for her,less than $20

They say a picture is worth a thousand words.

Feb 10 11
for him,less than $20

Every kid loves brand new pencils. The Earth loves these pencils too.

Feb 10 11
for kid,less than $20

And now you know. Awesome T for some awesome G.I. Joe cred.

Feb 9 11
for him,less than $20

Simple. Lovely. Charming.

Feb 9 11
for $20 to $50,her

Bath time just got a lot cuter.

Feb 9 11
for $50 to $100,kid

A practical item with a sense of style. Fishing for books behind the bed will be a thing of the past.

Feb 8 11
for $100 to $500,kid

The perfect wear to the beach, evening out, throw in the travel bag skirt.

A rig that adds thousands of dollars worth of production value to your videos. Pro.

Feb 8 11
for $100 to $500,him

Possibly the best camera strap ever made. 50 times cooler than the one that came with your camera.

A interactive app that will entertain your toddler and officially make you the coolest parent on the block.

Feb 7 11
for kid,less than $20

2 Gigabytes of your most awesome data deserves this key.

Feb 7 11
for $20 to $50,her

Let’s make 2011 the year of the cupcake.

Feb 4 11
for her,less than $20

See the world from their perspective. Let their creativity surprise you.

He can write a thank you note on something more acceptable than a post it.

The most fun you’ve ever had popping balloons, smashing plates & tossing rings around aliens.

Build your own robot, then he can live on your fridge, locker or filing cabinet.

Feb 3 11
for kid,less than $20