Neato Stuff

I was reading a Big Bear paper that had a section that asked children to write letters to Santa! There were the standard, “I want a bike, train, plane, doll etc” and then there was one that made me smile! It said,”Dear Santa, I have been good please bring me a snowball.” Being an East Coast girl living in the West Coast now (without a dusting of that beautiful powder) this was the cutest thing I have ever read!

Okay, so we can’t all be blessed with snow, but you can have a the cutest snowball plush from the fabulously named, Plush Off! You have to see the entire collection of Plush. Neato!

Dec 31 08 by amy
for cost, kid, less than $20

Too Cute!

Sarah Dec 31 08


Love this shop:)

Kelli Dec 31 08


That is one of the cutest plushes I have seen!!!

Colleen Dec 31 08


Ohhhh YAY Thanks for having my snowball up!!!

Jacki Jan 4 09

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more for cost

You never know what is lurking beneath the water…or in your shoes.

Add a surprising bit of drama to your evening.

Jul 28 17
for $100 to $500,him

A subtle hat tip to some pretty amazing creatures.

Jul 27 17
for $20 to $50,him

It’s ok if this little shark wants to snuggle.

Jul 27 17
for $20 to $50,baby

Let this little shark do all the work for you. Add a little adventure to tea time.

Jul 27 17
for her,less than $20

You’ll never find a cuter shark.

Jul 26 17
for $20 to $50,kid

It’s too hard to pick our favorite shark. They are all pretty awesome.

Jul 26 17
for $20 to $50,him

It may not be safe to go back in the water.

Jul 25 17
for him,less than $20

Shark are pretty amazing creatures and we should aim to protect them. 50% of the profits go towards ocean conservation efforts.

Jul 25 17
for $20 to $50,her